With warm weather all year-round and a huge appeal it is easy to know why UAE is a fast-growing sports destination

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the world’s fastest growing sports tour destination. Whether your team is coming for a few days’ training camp or a couple of weeks to improve their performance, Dubai and Abu Dhabi offer some of the best conditions in the world. Add that to all the glamour and luxury feel of this destination and it is quite easy to understand why it has an appeal of its own. Sky scrapers, multiple leisure facilities, luxury hotels and spas, tax-free shopping, white sandy beaches… and of course, the desert just around the corner.

Both Dubai and Abu Dhabi offer fantastic hotels and accommodation in general and cutting-edge sports facilities, paving the way to explore superb conditions for football and rugby teams to enjoy, as well as pretty much any sports you can imagine.

Video - Manchester City training at Emirates Palace

Credit: Gulf News

Hotels / Facilities we already work with:

  • Jebel Ali Resort, a 5-star hotel in Dubai with a sports centre which includes cricket pitches, 4 football pitches and a centre of excellence with reception, changing rooms and clubhouse.
  • Emirates Palace, 5-star hotel in Abu Dhabi. Part of the Kempisnki hotel portfolio, here you will find a football pitch and a 24-hour club-house including meeting rooms, lounge, changing rooms, massage rooms and a spa.

Nearby Airports

  • Dubai Airport - 57kms
  • Abu Dhabi Airport – 36kms
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